Visual art, illustration, photography, film, design, branding, identity, print, online, creative education

French accent, Italian blood, Brooklyn spirit.

The Horticultural Society of New York, The Hort

I am fortunate to work on the development of The Hort image and have been especially spotlighting their greenhouse education center located at the Riverbank State Park in Harlem.

The greenhouse is a magical place in the city and is available for everyone who wants to learn more about gardening. It offers free tours of the garden, workshops, cooking and yoga classes.

We wanted to highlight the existence of the greenhouse within the park and the neighborhood. The tote with its illustration of the building, carries not only goodies given to visitors during events, but also helps spreading its awareness.

My photographs and illustrations are usually included in the design of their event promotions.

Pilates Garage

The identity of a pilates studio located in Gowanus was developed with the idea of femininity and playfulness, to attract the hip customer of the neighborhood.

A series of colorful silhouettes shaping pilates movements was used for the website banner, social medias, marketing newsletters, street signage and promotional products.

Below, online banner